Dear Leith Theatre Family

It is with SO much regret that our doors are now closed to this grand old dame of a building as we face this virus and protect our people.

This time our newsletter sends one simple and important message.

Leith Theatre is a building that has faced many challenges in its lifetime and has experienced long periods of uncertainty and closure...several times.

But, this closure is different.

We have been working really hard to save Leith Theatre. It is a vital community and cultural centre, for Leith and for Edinburgh, and for all the audiences, artists and performers who play their part in the creative sector in Scotland and beyond.

We are certainly not ready to throw in the towel. Over the past 3 years we have really shown the potential of this building and what it can be again.

In this devastating time we need your help, now more than ever, to save the future of this incredible treasure.

If you are able to make a donation to help support our future prospects, you will be contributing to re-opening these doors again. You will be making a difference.

Thank you for your continued support. Please stay safe and haste ye back.

In true theatre style, we have left a light on in the middle of the main stage during this dark period as our promise to return.

Thank you so much,

Lynn Morrison and the Leith Theatre Team


There is a Light That Never Goes Out
