Main Auditorium Stage Grid

At Leith Theatre, we faced a unique challenge with our original grid system above the stage.  

Though highly distinctive, it required significant work to ensure it was safe for use, both for the execution of shows and accessing areas above for building work on the surrounding walls and the lantern above the stage.

The preparation for the project began on 18th January 2023, with George Brown & Sons testing the grid beams and points, alongside Andy from UK Rigging, whose expertise was invaluable. Each beam was tested and certified to a load capacity of 1500kg point load or 2000kg uniformly distributed load (UDL), providing essential data for the subsequent phases of the project. 

Next, UK Rigging took detailed measurements of the stage and grid, preparing for the removal of two obsolete water tanks and the installation of a safety walkway.  

They were provided with comprehensive drawings and a 3D model of the main auditorium to facilitate their planning. When Andy from UK Rigging returned to test fit the brackets for the new grid system, the test was a success, and the brackets fit perfectly, allowing the manufacturing of the remaining brackets to proceed. Following this, the scaffolding used for extensive preservation work on the stage was removed, and the area was cleaned up in preparation for UK Rigging’s return. 

Then commenced the construction of a floating platform, crucial for safely removing the old wooden grid, water tanks, and pipes.  

The removal of both water tanks and all the wood that comprised the old grid was successfully completed. Next, UK Rigging began fitting the brackets that would support the new beams of the grid. The new beams were then painted and fitted into place. The remaining beams were installed, and the mesh walkway was secured. The beams and mesh were custom cut on site, with the beams being coated in a hard-wearing, anti-rust paint, while the galvanised mesh floor panels required no additional painting. 

As preparations continued, UK Rigging took delivery of aluminium tubing for safety rails, ensuring next stages of work could begin promptly. 

UK Rigging then focused on the stage walkways below the grid, making all walkways safe and re-floored, with a new handrail extension installed to meet modern safety regulations. A secure box was also constructed to store bump caps and other items that could be dropped. Now a state-of-the-art and future-proof grid system comparable to or better than many venues nationwide, has been completed. This system not only allows access for inspecting the glass lantern as part of roof repair work but also ensures our stage space is future-proofed for many years ahead.