Main Auditorium Stage

One of the most visibly damaged areas of the Main Auditorium, and one where in recent years buckets once had an almost permanent on-standby home, was the left side and rear corner of the Main Stage.

Peeling blackout paint made the damage easier to see with the naked eye, especially since the stage is almost always without blackout curtains. Investigative works identified much-needed roofing repairs and internal pipework that required re-routing. 

Brecks Roofing began their work from outside the building.

The new pipework installation led to a much-improved drainage system for the roof, preventing water from gathering and spilling back up from blocked pipes due to poorly angled drainage pipes.

Once the re-routing work was complete and gutter maintenance was carried out, it was possible to start repairs inside the building. This high-level work involved taking the old plaster back to the brick from stage height up to roof level. 

The process also involved removing the stage left door frame through to the backstage corridor, along with all the rotting timber paneling in the left corner of the stage.

The scaffolding tower was in place for several weeks to allow the work to continue. After extensive re-plastering, new panels, skirtings, and lintels were finally fitted. 

Protecting and restoring this entire area was essential and a prerequisite for advancing plans for further safety and access repairs in the grid. The extensive repairs and improvements have not only restored this iconic space but also laid the groundwork for future work.