rear ground floor corridor

In recent years, significant portions of the rear ground corridor of the Main Auditorium were inaccessible, concealed behind temporary structures.

Initially intended for storage, these makeshift walls obscured more than just equipment. Behind them lurked crumbling plaster and damage, eating away at the ceiling structures, timber beams, and elegant parquet flooring.

Then, in June 2023, a pivotal decision was made. The temporary barriers were dismantled, unveiling the full expanse of the horseshoe corridor of the MA. However, what was revealed was far from pristine; these sections stood in a perilous state.  

Since then, what a journey of work has been undertaken in this area alone.

Many suppliers and contractors descended on the space, each playing their part in the meticulous process. Archways were removed to take out the rot, and countless bags of plaster were hauled away from ceilings and walls alike. Even as repairs unfolded below, attention turned skyward, tracing the path of water damage to its source.

The effort cascaded from rooftop to floor, a relentless pursuit of renewal. Despite the grime and toil, progress was undeniable.

After months of invasive and dirty work, by February 2024, the corridor emerged from its cocoon of disrepair, transformed into a beautiful passage.

Though there is much more to be done, the area now stands as a testament to the work that’s been done to make good - stable, free from rot, and safeguarded against further decay.