Four Years Later… A Farewell

Back in 2018, I applied for a job at Leith Theatre. Every Leither has a connection to the town hall and registrar in one way or another: births, weddings, deaths, and gatherings spanning the BBs to The Wombles… someone in the family will have trod these boards. With family ties in Leith and Newhaven stretching back generations, I am no exception and yet my time working at the theatre - now coming to a close - can be described as exceptional given all that I have seen here in a relatively short space of time.

For a building that has somewhat unique challenges, it goes without saying that it hasn’t all been plain sailing. And yet, I take away some brilliant memories, every bit as unique. My early days were filled with a full range of events and a cultural programme encompassing Hidden Door, Edinburgh International Festival, weddings, parties, cinema screenings, and all sorts of community events. It was a fantastic way of getting to know the building intimately, all of its quirks (and secrets), whilst welcoming audiences through the doors after many years of closure. For me, I never tired of seeing people’s jaws drop as they stepped into Leith Theatre for the first time, or returned after a long absence - sometimes a whole lifetime.

Throughout the pandemic, I’ve seen the building hired as a location for music videos, a full-length feature film theatre hybrid and everything in between. I played a key role in producing Live in Leith, the venue’s own in-house programming and production strand, a legacy I’m incredibly proud of. Now it’s time for new experiences, as I seek opportunities in Australia. I'm very much looking forward to exploring the arts, culture and entertainment sectors, especially in the sunshine.

My time at Leith Theatre has felt like a long and exciting journey, but in the lifetime of this storied building, it’s the mere blink of an eye; it’s a story that I'm glad to have played my part in all the same. Being such an early member of the core team will be an experience that I’ll never forget, and I hope that my service to Leith Theatre during an important period of regeneration and business development has been valuable. I have no doubt my colleagues and friends at Leith Theatre will continue to do an excellent job, as their commitment to the venue and its future has been inspiring for me. 

The prospect of returning to a refurbished, world-class cultural venue Leith can be proud of is one that I’ll carry with me, along with a few of those well-kept secrets. I might just take some of those with me too.

Leith Theatre - it’s been a privilege and a pleasure.

All the very best,



