More Film Musings!

What a week that was! We are immersed in all things production and the creative kettle is just about whistling!

Last week was all about cohesion as we could feel the schedule getting tighter and the production team growing closer. There is a pace and a focus in the room, schedules stuck to and timings tried and tested. It’s like one huge grandfather clock with all the cogs turning; time is ticking.

It was a week of late night shooting with seconds to spare. A week of camera tracks, equipment appearing and disappearing and set designs coming to life with an extra layer of detail. 

It was a week of chats in the coffee queue about the editing process. “How is it looking?” Walking around the set you pass actors in costume, but who are they in this Victorian world within our walls. Neither the presence of the top hat and tails or the eye contact confirms if that was Jekyll or Hyde lurking in the corner. Our spaces are teeming with pacing actors muttering lines or lying on period sofas with their eyes closed; it is all starting to feel quite normal.

There is so much to see as the venue buzzes with activity and we suddenly realise we are part of the process as we dash from production office to site office. There have been lovely moments where crew have come and said “I have worked here before” or “I was here when we shot The Snuts”, another for Tide Lines. Our Leith Theatre creative network is growing.

It's also been a week with lots of local suppliers playing their part, the trickling effects of the production bringing opportunities to some of our old suppliers and new. Benefits to the local area - that feels nice.

Coming up for air at the weekend, it’s exciting to look ahead to next week. Time to go live! The outside broadcasting unit and mixing bus arriving on-site has been another highlight of the week.

By this time next week, we will have the live performances in the bag and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde will bring Leith Theatre to screens around the UK. We are counting down as we head into the final week and we expect our film crew family might just be counting down too!

Bring. It. on.


How You See Our Future and Other Stories


A Little Look #BTS…