Leith Theatre’s Big Radiator Generator

This Bonfire Night will see the launch of a critical and unique Heating Crowdfunder here at Leith Theatre. With this Crowdfunding campaign, we are taking our first step towards major capital works, aiming to bring heating into the Main Auditorium, and at the same time directly supporting the local community by pledging one third of all funds raised to three local charities working to support homelessness in Leith and Edinburgh!

We have set a £30,000 target for ourselves, but we’re hoping to raise additional funds to the overall sum of £45,000, with the additional £15,000 to be gifted to local Edinburgh charities helping those facing homelessness. Whatever happens, one third of all funds raised during the Crowdfunding campaign will be donated to these charities!

Funds raised for the theatre will pay for radiators to bring warmth to the MA, enabling activity inside the venue across all 12 months of the year, as well as ‘radiating’ that warmth to those who need it most this coming winter.

“There is no question that this 1930s building is in need of major refurbishment and capital works. During these months of closure our aim is to look to this specific crowdfunding campaign to ensure we are able to make the biggest impact on our venue’s future and viability. We hope to make the most of closure by scheduling these works in time for when we are able to re-open our doors again and welcome the public back inside.

Once October arrives, the thermometer plunges to single digits rapidly and stays there until late spring, making it extremely difficult to even be in the space. Please help us bring warmth to the community, help us to deliver these crucial remedial works to this radiant old beauty and help the incredible Leith Theatre get its glow back to become a jewel in the crown of Edinburgh’s venues.”


“Large scale fundraising will definitely be required for Leith Theatre in the longer term, but the opportunity to make immediate changes to where we are now with these potential heating works is a game changer. Importantly, this campaign will also allow us to continue to support our wider community which has been our priority all throughout our COVID closure.”


Leith Theatre sits amongst the top 12 historic Edinburgh buildings listed at risk of being lost forever, as reported recently by the Edinburgh Evening News. Reinstalling heating in the Main Auditorium will have an immediate effect; not only will this help to dry out the damp, stop the mould and protect the 1930s plasterwork, but it is the most vital component to safely opening the doors to the community all year round, ultimately helping secure our future.


What’s Cooler Than Being Cool? Aye, it’s cold!


Doors Open Day Goes Digital for 2020